PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

What is PrEP?

PrEP is a medication regimen that HIV-negative people can take to prevent HIV. It is a course of a once-daily pill containing the medications tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, taken under the supervision of a doctor.

PrEP reduces the risk of HIV transmission through sex by up to 92%1 when taken properly, allowing you to enjoy sex with your partners better knowing that you are at minimal risk of getting HIV.


PrEP is up to 92% effective in protecting you from HIV through sex when it’s taken correctly. When coupled with condom use, you can be very sure that you are at an extremely low risk of catching an STD or STI!

When used consistently, PrEP is also up to 70% effective in preventing HIV through intravenous drug use (‘slamming’).2

Because you’re taking these pills to prevent HIV instead of treating it, you don’t have to be on them for life – you can stay on them for as long as you feel that the extra protection is necessary. That could be weeks, months, years, or even during short periods of time where you know you will be having bareback sex.

PrEP only works if you are HIV negative, which is why you will need to do a test before going on it. Your initial consultation for PrEP will include a HIV test that confirms your status before you are provided a prescription for the medication.

While PrEP is very effective in protecting you from HIV, it doesn’t protect you from other STDs and STIs such as gonorrhoea, syphilis or chlamydia. That’s why regularly using condoms is very important, even if you’re already taking PrEP.

PrEP is not a “morning-after” pill for HIV – in the event of suspected or accidental exposure, it’s post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) that you should look for. Read more on PEP here.

Interested? Find out where you can get PrEP using our Clinic Finder.


Some people may not want to take PrEP daily, but still want the extra protection when they know they’re going to have anal sex. If you find yourself in such a situation, an on-demand course of PrEP may do the trick for you.

Using a ‘2-1-1’ dosage timeline – two pills between 2 to 24 hours before sex, one pill 24 hours the first pill, and a final pill 24 hours later – PrEP is shown to give protection against HIV that is as effective as daily PrEP.

If you’re considering PrEP On Demand, It is extremely important not to miss any doses when you’re taking it. If this is something that is likely to happen, discuss with your doctor or counsellor about going on daily PrEP instead.

PrEP On Demand only protects you from HIV exposure through anal sex. If you think you may engage in activities such as chem fun (CF), a course of daily PrEP will work better to protect you.

Fancy going on PrEP On Demand? The Take Charge Fun Pack includes a course of PrEP On Demand, a condom, and a counselling session with a Take Charge Advocate. Get in touch with us via live chat or e-mail if you’d like to get your hands on a Fun Pack.

General FAQ

My partner is HIV positive, but I’m HIV negative. Can I use PrEP?

Yes. In fact, it’s recommended that you do so for the extra protection – especially if your partner is still infectious.

If I use PrEP, do I still need to use condoms?

While PrEP protects you from HIV, it does not offer protection from syphilis, gonorrhoea and other STDs. This is where condoms come in – when PrEP is taken together with regular condom use, you can be sure that you are at a very low risk of exposing yourself to STDs.

What drugs are used for PrEP?

A PrEP tablet contains two antiretroviral drugs: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine.

This drug combination is known by many names – the most widely known brand name, Truvada (Gilead Sciences), is currently unavailable in Malaysia, but generic brand names such as Tenvir-EM and Teno-Em are available in Malaysia, and are just as effective in preventing HIV.

What is PrEP dosage like?

If you’re taking it daily, your dose will be one tablet daily throughout your course.

If you’re taking PrEP On Demand, you will follow the ‘2-1-1’ rule: two tablets between 2 to 24 hours before sex, one 24 hours later, and a final one 24 hours after that.

Is PrEP really effective in preventing HIV?
  • PrEP is highly effective in preventing HIV infection in HIV-negative people. It is up to 92% effective in preventing HIV infection through anal sex, and up to 70% effective in preventing infection through intravenous drug use (‘slamming’). A number of large-scale clinical trials have confirmed this.3

    3Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)